A few weeks in now to this blogging phenomenon. I never knew it existed until a few months ago...I attribute my initiation to The Sartorialist. One mention in an article in Vogue and I was hooked. I know, I know everything that needs to be said has been said about that blogging/photographic genius Scott Schuman. Its like inspiration in daily droplet form...reminding us that when we get dressed each day we have a choice...it can be a Sartorialist day or it can be a dull day. I went from that onto Mummy blogs; again another phenomena and a world of the most intimate confessions (Diary of a Yummy Mummy being my current favourite). Quickly hooked. Then bloglogs opened up a whole new world! What are people reading? From one blog to the next - such detail, such a mass of images and commentary that added together, brought something new and interesting to my day. The natural next step for me was: 'I want me one of those!'
I am now a blogging convert...in every sense. However it remains my little secret - I blog as anon (well pretty much...unless you can work out who LouBoo of Chichester is) and I like it that way. I love the way it crosses boundaries, crosses continents, crosses that intimate border into someone's mind and mind's eye.
I love the images...I love the style of some of these bloggers (The Bottom of the Ironing Basket another fav...my goodness, Simone has an eye). And I love the way that one leads to another - like a little road-map of good, enriching reads.
So - to the internet universe, I am enjoying this blog thing...I hope you are liking it too.
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