Now the group has grown and we are all Mummies, living all over the country, doing different things. We all used to meet up a few times a year and rent cottages to stay in. Now our numbers are so swollen with off-spring (of the 6 of us there are now 11 children) that its hard to find a place large enough. So it saddens me that we don't see each other as much; somehow life conspires to make it more complicated than it should be, just to catch up with these old and best friends.
They know me inside out, through graduation and jobs and travel and marriage and babies and houses and more jobs and motherhood. So I mention them because I only just told them about my blog. One of them has called it my new 'baby'! I kept 'Lou, Boos and Shoes' quiet for months and now I have come out and I wonder, why was I so secretive? Of course because they know me inside out, they read it and see that it is entirely me - my thoughts. Which is...well...really cool.
We all have this very sweet graduation photo of us all - lined up like crows in black gowns outside Bristol Cathedral, with our mortar boards on, looking oh-so-young and full of hope for the future. Back then, digital cameras where the sort of thing featured on 'Tomorrow's World' so I don't have a copy to show you - so instead we turn to Gossip Girl.
I am sure however, back in 1995, that we weren't as well accessorised as this... ;-)

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