Vintage Vogue - from 1963. What a wonderful neckline she has...1963 interests me as a year, not least as it was the year that my parents were married and the year that Kennedy died.The weeping willow in our garden. One of the reasons we bought the house (although their roots are meant to be baaaad news for underground pipes). One year we had to have it 'pollarded' which means to take off all the branches. Boo was so distraught at how it looked, she cried...then went out and wrote 'I love you' on the bark. She is a gentle soul...
Tables laid for friends...This is for Simone whose whimsy and creative cleverness is behind The Bottom of the Ironing Basket...another incarnation of the Eiffel Tower...she is into Paris at the moment... :-)
Kate Moss...up close...
Provencale soap...the best kind...Verbena is my favourite scent.
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