Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

A things of beauty retrospective...

Who would have thought? Almost a year since I delved into the world of blog and here I am. This post as we end the year is a retrospective of some of my favourite images and everything that is 'Lou, Boos and Shoes'...

Here's to a wonderful New Year.

...my girl on the beach; meet Boo...

Me looking at you, looking at me; the strange but sweet voyeurism of the blogging world...P.S. this is not me but kinda wish it was!

It's all about a picture that speaks to me...whether it's a kitchen sink...

Or a hairdo...

Dresses, dresses and more dresses...Vogue style...

...Lara Stone...
Pants of the rumba variety - courtesy of my lovely friend Simone...one of the best, unanticipated gifts of blogging is friendship.

Houses that take your breath away...

Beautiful, graceful, ballet girls...

The sentimental art; 'Brothers and Sisters' painted by Jessie Wilcox Smith. This reminds me completely of my older brother and I.

A nice cuppa tea...earl grey?

My shoe fascination...

Running for fun...

Stoical beauty...
...Carolyn Besette-Kennedy...
George Clooney; OH YES...

My slight preoccupation with Vegas...

Ooops there he is again...you don't mind do you?

My love of photos of people leaving...

Eames rockers...I want I want I want...in 2011 maybe?

Quotes to ponder; my mind like a sponge...

Love and life and life and love...

My friend Alexa...

My friend Olivia...

My friend Sarah...

A healthy dose of 1980's nostalgia...

Musings in Danish blue...

My straight-forward, face-on, 'here is what I think' blog posts...

Pictures of impossible beauty...

Handbags to die for...

And that lovely 'see you next time' feeling...

I've had an absolute ball...and you have been lovely and stylish and kind and thought-provoking...

Lots and lots of love, Lou Lou xxx

P.S. Come back next week for giveaway fun! It's just like shopping...but free ;-)

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010


I am still here, penning this in my pyjamas on my new beloved iPad (apple, you rock my world). I have house guests til tomorrow so am unable to turn away for a second it seems to do anything other than entertain! Hmmm. Suffice to say I miss you...

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Things of Christmas beauty...

So many things of beauty at Christmas time. For me Christmas Eve is all wrapped up in Danish tradition as my little family makes the pilgrimage to my Mum's house for traditional 'Danish dinner'; roast duck stuffed with apples and prunes, caramelised potatoes and red cabbage! It is the absolute taste of a Danish winter for me and it is so deeply rooted in everything I associate with Christmas. And now, as I did as a child, the Boos look forward to it (mainly because they get to open gifts early in accordance with the Danish tradition!)

What does Christmas mean to me? After the weeks of planning, buying, wrapping I do wonder what is it all for? The consumerism of this time of year has bothered me more this year than most. Yet I have participated in it willingly along the way. I long for simpler times but then simultaneously feel so blessed that we have the life we have and can revel in this family time of year, unencumbered with woes.

I lead a happy life; one that I think shows on this blog. My good friends do say I put on the 'Lou show' for the blog and it can border on all-too-perfect. I agree; the reality is never that way but atleast at Christmas time I can believe and just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labour.

We'll be at home, with family, trying to sleep in on Christmas Day to a sensible time whilst the children wake and feel that unmistakable rustle of paper in stockings at the foot of their bed. There is just nothing like that sound...

Pretty, star-like party dressing...

cintia dicker snow Pictures, Images and Photos
...the beautiful Cintia Dicker...
Can you hear the bells? We've been reading 'Polar Express' and 'The Night Before Christmas' all week...so exciting.

via it's mary ruffle
via dress, design, decor
Getting out our best china...

Candy canes, brown paper and string...

Winter warming wool...

via for chic sake
Carluccio's panetonne...Italy's finest.

Shimmering, sparkling perfection...

...the beautiful Christina Hendricks...
Two faces at the window...the Boos come tonight, I love this painting by Christian Birmingham.

Candle-light and fireside...

Something sparkling and blue under the tree?

Or natural and wholesome; either way...

via crush cul de sac

What can I say? 
Have the happiest of times this Christmas...
be back soon!

Ready for a new year of lovely giveaways...