Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

My year...

I am not sure how I will remember this year looking back; it was the year where I got lost but then was found. It's been one of those years where if I had known at the start how it would end up, I would scarcely have believed it!

But along the way lots of happiness and moments of gratefulness for where we are and what we have.

My blog is two years old, so it's now as if I have a two year diary of my life. I like having a diary; it takes me back to my younger self where I wrote daily well into my 20's, using the old fashioned method of pen and paper.

So here is a year in the life of me...love from Lou, Boos and Shoes...

...beach sunsets...

...trailing wisteria on our house...

...sweet peas brought by friends...

...spelling bee...

...sailboats on the blue...

...Cornish castles and green fields...

...the bluest blue...

...beach hut sandy toes...

...taking the plunge...

...domestic time...

...morning sunrises...

...a new member of our family...

...apple harvest...

...winter walks...

...Christmas ivy in our farmhouse...
Here's to a fabulous 2012...

Hello...it's me...

Hello all...I had anticipated popping in over the Christmas break but as things turned out there wasn't the time to. We had some big and unwelcome news straight after Christmas which I must admit has knocked us sideways. Isn't it amazing how life has a way of blind-siding you when you least expect it? Thankfully this news is of not the health variety so I take a lot of comfort in the knowledge that we are all actually OK. Everything is fine; we may just need to steer things in a different direction for a while. Uncharted territory can be unsettling though; what was I saying about embracing change?!

My little blog is two years old as of the new year, so I have asked a handful of my favourite blog friends to write guest posts for me and they will be featuring over the coming weeks.

I'll be back...and in the meantime have a very happy new year!

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Christmas things of beauty...

Hello! Soon to be Christmas Eve; I must admit I am not quite ready! Despite weeks of time to prepare, the big event starts tomorrow with a final shop for food and then a walk on the beach to clear out the cobwebs. The house smells of pine and lavender as I had a last-minute domestic goddess moment and made home made laundry powder (after being inspired by this). Anything that creates a production line of homeliness is good with me.

There is one crucial element missing and that is my husband who has been away since Monday. I think he's had about the toughest week so far in his career so I am looking forward to welcoming him home for Christmas. Without him, it all doesn't quite start...

So now the fire is lit, we are watching 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' after seeing the stage show yesterday. It's dark, wet and windy outside so time to hunker down! Enjoy...

...I am loving this red dress...

via one of my all time favourites, starring the world's most loved canine: backwards in high heels

Danish house at Christmas, complete with a tree in the centre of the room via from the right bank

via keep me happy

Oh Olivia P...

...hard to resist, brown paper...

...wool and lace...anthropologie december catalogue 2011

via country living

...gentlemen, if in doubt, go tiffanys...

via simple thoughts

...excitement growing...

...my home made laundry creations!!

via keep me happy

Have a restful and joyful Christmas...

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

A little bit of honest me...

I had a nice, festive blog post in mind, but instead what you'll get is a selection of extracts from my mind, as of now...but rest assured there will be some Christmas 'things of beauty' before the week is done.

This always happens. I get more excited about Christmas in late November than I do when the real thing is almost upon us. Somehow this year there is a sense of unreality which I can only attribute to the current calmness of my life. I am not in a rush. I have time. I do not have to balance working and homemaking. I have lists where I can actually tick off actions, one by one, in a normal, sane manner. This is indeed new territory for me. I like it.

via dust jacket attic from style me pretty
Meanwhile someone closest to me, namely my lovely husband, is working like there is no tomorrow. The contrast between us incongruous. I sense this may be one of the perils of being a housewife (my albeit temporary status). He is a whirlwind and I am a constant. I am the eye of his storm; the oddly quiet, alternative world of our home, as the rest of his corporate world swirls around. Suffice to say, it's a tough time to be corporate.

I finally watched the film 'Black Swan'. It's a great film, I can entirely see why Natalie Portman won the Oscar. But what has stayed with me as well, a little like an unwelcome guest, is a fascination with how her body looked. How thin she was. How all ballerinas have that grace, that look, which is almost prepubescent. I found myself wondering what it would be like to be that thin again, as I once was, aged about 15. Now of course I am a healthy, fit weight and after my children I have curves in places there never used to be curves. Thanks to a lot of training in recent months, I am now fitter than I have ever been; but conversely I weigh more. Gone though, is that waif-like quality of youth. A dancer's body...is it wrong to silently covet such an unobtainable thing?

And so this week continues, children counting down, while I try to keep a grasp on the real meaning of the season. My answer to everything: walking in the great outdoors. Now, with the addition of the puppy, walking is an everyday pursuit that I inflict on my family.

At the weekend, I woke early and my son and I did rounds of the fields behind our house before the sun had come up. It was an icy morning, crisp and fresh and oh-so-bracing. At times like those, I am so grateful for my impetuous decision to get a dog. Without him, we would not be charging round fields before sunrise on any given Saturday morning. Maybe when I made the choice to get him, I knew somewhere deep inside that we needed him. We needed something him our little family.

On Sunday, we went to a beautiful, stylish drinks party in a beautiful, stylish house. A wintery afternoon of canapé perfection and champagne flutes. It was lovely. The fact remains that loveliness for me does equate to beautiful things; elegant places and little details. I notice all the details in a heartbeat. And so it goes for me; one day in wellies, the next in heels. I like the contrasts... :-)

more via dust jacket attic

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Things of beauty...

The final day of the school term sees us watch Boo sing in a carol concert in a tiny country church, brimming with parents, proudly watching. It's one of my favourite events of the year as it really does herald the start of our Christmas holidays. Afterwards, we always descend on a single, unsuspecting but accommodating village pub for hot chocolate and mulled wine. So that will be my morning, followed by an afternoon of dog walking at the beach and then getting the house decorated. We will choose the Christmas tree tomorrow...

The weekend is peppered with two Christmas cocktail parties; so I shall also be putting on my currently unused heels and heading out with friends. I feel like I need this; whilst I like the early darkness and cold of these winter evenings, it do find myself wondering: should I really be in my pyjamas by 9pm most nights? There, I have shared my secret!

I wouldn't be me if I weren't in some sort of pensive mood; and indeed my thoughts about this time of year seem to be playing on a loop pondering how lucky I am. How much we have. How privileged I am to enjoy all the trappings of a 'perfect' Christmas. It is a blessed life, even with its trials, as there's something about this time of year that makes it all come into sharper focus.

And so to things of beauty...enjoy!

...the beautiful Yasmin Le Bon...

...style starting early...

via Cannelle et Vanille photograph by Arran

...everyone should own roller skates once in their life...

via dust jacket attic photograph by Alexi Lubomirski

from here photograph by The Sartorialist

photograph by Lars Ranek

...quirky dress and smouldering eyes...photograph by Elizabeth Messina

Wishing for a restorative weekend...