Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Monday style...

Monday, Monday, rise and shine! It turns out I am delinquent in acknowledging a flurry of blog awards that I have been bestowed...a total of FOUR Stylish Blogger Awards from the following kind people:

Charlotta who writes the blog 'Space for Inspiration'. Charlotta gave me a lovely mention, singling out 'Lou, Boos and Shoes' as one of her faves. Very sweet!
Rali who writes the blog 'Styles 'n Cream'.
Paloma who writes the blog 'Paper Garland'.
Julie who writes the blog 'The Fantasy Decorator'.

So thank you very much; that's a whole lot of style! With this award I am meant to divulge seven things about myself that you may not know. Well I hate to say it but my life is an open book and I struggled to think of seven secrets (that I would be willing to post anyway.) So I have applied some mild interpretation, I hope you don't mind...

What is style? Here are seven things about my style...

I like really simple, classic dressing...which at the moment makes me want to wear jeans, boots and a blazer. Come to think of it, I like grosgrain ribbons, ballet flats, navy stripes, crisp white shirts, alice bands, funnel-neck coats, LBDs and surprising quirks in an outfit like a studded belt.

I have a string of pearls that my husband gave me and despite being unsure of them to start with, now I love them so much; they improve any outfit, any day.

One of the most stylish and desirable things for me is healthy, glowing skin. Getting it is like chasing the elixir of life...

I can't abide scuffed shoes and raggedy handbags; I am big on polishing and looking after leather ware.

...oh Olivia...the life you lead...
I often get dressed up then take off half the accessories; I try not to have too much 'going on' in one outfit. I have to tell myself: the dress is enough.

Only wear what you love. If in your heart you think it's a so-so item, ditch it.

Like so many things in life; less is more...

...Diane Kruger...and lots of gorgeous images via for chic sake

And I thank you!

I now award the Stylish Blogger Award to these lovely bloggers:

Jeanne who writes the blog 'Cashmerejeans'.
Alison who writes the blog 'Cowparsley'.
Jennifer who writes the blog 'Keswick and Country'.
Deborah who writes the blog 'Metropolitan Mum'.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Beautiful things...

Hello again my friend. It's bitterly cold today and so here I sit, fire lit, ready to hunker down for the weekend. I will collect the Boos from school and gather provisions and we will chillax on the sofa. I have it all planned out.

Another busy work week for me; my work life is like a 'deja-vu' from this time last year so I am spending my days trying learn the lessons from the last big and extremely challenging project I was involved with. My mantra is 'you can only do your best, you can only do your best!' More soul-searching about whether to work or not and precious input from different friends. One friend who made me think maybe I think too much! So I am trying a new approach; it's simple - smile, let it go, be kind and others will be kind to you. Slightly abstract but worth a try! What do you think?

...ever classic, even in a raincoat, Olivia P...

I like this simple room; boats and feather pictures and white-washed walls...

If only I weren't, but I so am...

Really really tried hard to stop and take time to read this week; it's not gone that well. A couple of pages here and there...

via pink and green owl

 Time for some 80's nostalgia... 'what a feeling...'

...the 'sorry and aren't you clever scene' from Flashdance...

I have the first blooming hyacinths of the season in my house and they smell divine...

Yet more Danish art...

by Peter Vilhelm Ilsted 'Two of the Artist's Daughters at Liselund'

via the bottom of the ironing basket
My monster house de-clutter continues...I love this laundry room; what better use for a dolls house?

...love her face; Emily Blunt...
via my little things
Have a serene weekend...
love Lou Lou xx

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

A thinking girl's post...

I found myself regaling the cautionary news tale of 'Austerity Mum'; the blogger whose cover was blown and whose corporate husband was reported to be 'acutely embarassed' by the disclosures his wife had made on her blog. Admittedly the topic of personal finance is always a touchy one, recession or no recession. Of all of the observations I have ever made about blogging, one is that in general, as a pastime blogging seems to apply to the more privileged echelons of society. Case in point; you have to have a computer and some free time to do it. But what was it that so riled people about 'Austerity Mum'? I can't even imagine the vitriol being penned on 'Mumsnet'. I feel saddened that 'Austerity Mum' had to delete her blogging presence, not that I ever even read her blog, but I sense that if for some reason I had to delete mine, it would be with great sadness.

I also leads me to think - would anyone be acutely embarrassed by my disclosures here? I remain anonymous on most fronts, I try to be sincere and authentic. I think before I write. But is blogging somehow a lapse in judgement? I know some bloggers have told me that they would like to blog in complete anonymity so that they could really go to town on what they feel. I get that vibe...but ultimately, for me the best blogs are the ones where there is a real and genuine person behind it.

Every now and then I forget how much I have told you about myself. I go back and read old posts and realise that in fact I am like an open book at times, spilling my feelings as if the route from keyboard to screen to worldwide Internet is just a hop, skip and jump from my innermost thoughts.

What news stories like this remind me of is that blogging is still considered a quirk; something that bored women do to fill their days. Another case in point, Mary who writes Mary Loves told how her husband's friend, on hearing of her blog, commented that she needed to get a hobby. This made me cross! Maybe deep down in me there is this feminist sensibility that feels that being down on women who blog was a bit like being down on women who wrote in the 19th century. George Eliot used a male pseudonym as she would never have been published as her female self. Can you imagine that now? Errr, this is starting to feel like an essay I would have written at University!

In summary I sense that the interrelationship between blogging, money and feminism may be slightly too weighty a topic for a Wednesday morning, so I will say only this. It's a shame that blogging gets people into hot water and it's a shame that so many people judge it and don't 'get it'. As for me it's been lovely all the way through; I have nothing but good to say about it. Long may it last!

all lovely images via bippity boppity boo

For my friend...

I have a friend who is a 'work' friend but whom I have known for years and years and who I share most of my waking thoughts with. On work days she tops and tails my day - half professional de-brief and half personal updates. She is flat out with back pain at the moment and pleaded with me today 'can you please blog more; I have nothing to read!' She is one of the very few friends who know I blog; she once described this place in cyberspace as 'like a dream'.

We have a pact that we must always wear heels to work, irrespective and no matter what. In a business meeting; it's all about the outfit. Never, ever commit to something in the future in the hope that by the time it comes, you will have reconciled yourself to having to go; you won't have. Never underestimate the benefit of an early night. And eat more mackerel. Oh and perfect motherhood is around the corner; it just alludes us every day. But most of all....breathe... :-)

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

My weekend...

The best thing to do when feeling 'grr' on a Friday night is to go out for curry. This family tradition has been with us for years; the defining end of the week treat. Curry is that institution that all Brits seem to hold dear; the local curry house, antiquated with decor from thirty years ago. I am not sure you will be able to picture the scene unless you've witnessed the British reality but here goes: dark, velvet clad booths, patterned plates, paper napkin origami. Rice and curry, bhajis and side orders like 'Sag Aloo'. Faint whiff of coriander. Dishes everywhere filled with sulphur turmeric-infused delights. Our local curry house has provided us with Friday-night-curry for more years than I care to remember. What did I say about being steeped in the past?! And best of all, the kids love it too. It did the trick, the 'grr' lifted and we re-set the happy balance.

via pretty stuff
Saturday, saw a house de-clutter epiphany for me - a combination of over-flowing cupboards and drawers in my house and a stern discussion (= row) with my husband about why clutter bothers me so much sent me off with resolution. I spent the day clearing out, getting rid, making those choices of 'if you haven't used it for a year, you never will'. Plus rather cathartically for me I finally choose to part with most of the baby/toddler stuff still hanging around; rogue baby bottles, bibs, just-in-case plastic bowls, dried up old play dough...all those items that I have realised my children have grown out of. I am almost ashamed to admit, it felt so good!

...love this...dream of cupboards like this...
Sunday, Boo and I went to the Marina and I ran while she rode her scooter alongside me. One of those moments where I appreciate how much I can do now that my children are a bit older. I know the childhood moments are fleeting and soon they will be all grown up and will be nest-flying. But for now it feels wonderful that we have this gift of an opportunity to spend time doing cool stuff. As she scooted, she read out the names of the boats we passed... 'Lucy Louise', 'The Dreamer' 'Nantucket', 'Time Flies'...how prophetic those boat names seem...

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Things of beauty...

I am generally wanting to give a cheery round-up of the week on Fridays and to dwell, just for a few moments, on some pretty pictures. This week, something has happened professionally that has left me so cross and disillusioned that I can barely stop the grrrrrr from leaping out of my keyboard! I will endeavour to get over it, but for the first time I am starting to honestly wonder if my relationship with my work has become unhelpful, unhealthy, un-me? I am compelled to consider whether I am doing the right thing in working; a point constantly revisited by working mothers who wonder 'is it worth it?' and has been the source of many a blogpost before this one.

Time to make a plan?

Meanwhile the weekend sees some much-needed family time. Returning to school has thrown the Boos into a spin as homework, routine and discipline become the order of the day following four weeks of sloth-like behaviour. It's been a tough week for all of us! Time to relax and try to think of sunnier days, easier times...

via a lady's findings

...pretty Kate Winslet.
Ooops, there it is...

by Braedon Photography

'Portrait of a Girl in a Pink Apron' by Edwin Harris.

I have always been very attached to the past and its defining characteristics...is it time to apply this logic?

Quiet reflection in a favourite chair...

My new fave person, Keri Russell; I saw 'Waitress' this week and thought she was charming.

...Keri Russell...

How cute is this pup?

...gorgeousness in fabric by Vanessa Arbuthnott...

...a New York minute...

via little teaspoon
via flickr

Have a happy weekend...