Selasa, 30 November 2010

Then, and now...

If I reflect on what I was like and how I felt at different stages of my life I am starting to think I might just be at my best right now in my mid thirties.

In my teens; I was angst-ridden, wishing I wasn't tall, wishing I was plumper, not yet sure of anything. Gangly book-reading, diary-writing, Levis 501-wearing girl of girls.

...if only I had been even a smidgen of this cool...
In my twenties; gathering pace but still not sure, 'career'-hungry but also scared at the prospect. Dressing as I thought a 'woman' should dress, but somehow totally missing the point of being 20-something (with disposable income). Found my love but struggled with his view on life vs. mine. Married young. There did not seem to be much that was 'mine'. Well-travelled but not a traveller. Became a mother at 26...

20's = weddings and babies
Then my thirties; mother of two gorgeous Boos, gained baby weight then lost the baby weight. Happy in my own skin. Running, fitter than ever. Dressing for me; sure of my style. Out the other side; over the hump. My marriage makes complete sense. He makes sense to me. Everything is mine for the taking. I sense so much choice and possibility with life now. Children growing, life expanding.

...making choices in a great outfit via prettystuff...
Although whilst this contentment I feel now may appear somewhat...smug...I must admit in all my time I have never worked as hard at life as I work now. In previous times I took a much more passive approach to life, letting it mould itself. Now I am doing the moulding and I guess that's the difference. Should life be something to work hard at? Or should you just let it happen? And what will fourties and fifties bring?!

Senin, 29 November 2010

I knew it when...

I knew it had been a long time between visits when everyone had changed their hair style and length and I didn't even know.

I knew it was a great extended lunch when the restaurant staff politely asked us to leave so they could set up for evening service.

I knew it was special when it was minus degrees outside and we were cosy and replete inside, with great food, wine and company.

I knew it was a rather quirky venue as I sat watching people swim in the open air Lido as I devoured my delicious meal.

I knew we'd grown up together when all the references made absolute sense; nothing was too obscure.

I knew there was that profound feeling that one of the group were missing when we all talked of her and referenced her all afternoon, as if she were there with us. Next year - we will have all 6.

I knew there were best intentions of spending time Christmas shopping but instead the day got talked away so that when we emerged, all the shops were shutting for the night.

I know they are my best of friends, when I had to take a brave gulp as I started the drive home after saying goodbye.

Garance and co, courtesy of The Sartorialist
I had a super time returning to my University town of Bristol for a girl's reunion. I found it quite surreal stepping back in time to my student days; something about that city that despite changing dramatically in the last decade and a half, it remains frozen in time for me somewhere around 1993. We went to coolest restaurant for lunch called the Lido which had an old-style Victorian natural water pool outside nestled amongst the city houses. And we talked. And talked. And talked.

So here is the deal with the Best Blog of 2010; I got to the second round! Whoooooop whoooop!

Thank you! 

However it seems that with each new round, new votes are needed - you got to really love my blog to go back and keep voting! There is some pretty tough competition (much bigger blogs with many more followers), so well, here's the thing: vote if you can, but I feel kinda funny asking again and again.

Yet the competitive part of me says VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Meh - OK now I am done!

Go on, click here, do know it will only take a second!

And so, now to Monday...time to get back to the real world, as December starts in earnest this week, time to get the advent calendars (with glitter, of course) out and start the glorious count down...

via tinywhitedaisies

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Things of beauty...

On more or less the first day of my University life I met a group of girls and an enduring set of friendships emerged. Now, some 18 years later, we try to meet up when life allows a gap of time, once a year to catch up. This weekend is that gap. We are down on our number by one; E who has had a baby in recent weeks and so is in the bubble of new motherhood. She will be sorely missed! The rest of us make the pilgrimage tomorrow to our University town of Bristol. The agenda: lunch, chat, walk, chat, shop, chat, dinner chat. I am limbering up for a marathon chat! Nothing like old friends. When I started University my Dad had bought me a new coat with a fur collar and so even in those student days of sparse living; I still loved my luxe look! My girls will remember will fondness my 'beaver coat' (faux of course) so this post features some fur loving, in memorium of that!

I did an experiment this week of working from home all week, I did not leave my house except to do the school run. My conclusion: rather odd. I am solitary soul much of the time, happy with my own thoughts, but going into the office is some human contact that I like and need. The weather has turned seriously cold so as I sat ay my desk at home, I was accompanied by a hot water bottle - OK so there are some advantages of home-working!

Had a parent's evening with Boo's teachers; turns out the girl is abit of a star! I always secretly knew (hoped) for this but to have it confirmed in droves is nothing short of wonderful. Seems her future is brighter than even we imagined. And guess what? The girl is a writer...

Kate, Cate and Uma in Vanity Fair

Despite its connotations I love fur; just looks so stylish to me. I love her whole outfit.

via pretty girl tumblr
Our wedding anniversary is coming up - I love a winter wedding. I knew beyond all doubt that I wanted to get married in the the chestnuts on the table here...

via 100 Layer Cake

Whilst on the winter wedding topic - love this ice queen look. I was only 25 when I married so was not quite brave enough to sport this. If it were now I would so go to town on the whole thing, as if I was in Narnia...

via Dust Jacket Attic

An iconic Tiffanys ad...and some more here at Haute Design...

Alexa Chung - too cool for school.

The Maxmara cube - my obsession continues...

Beautiful roses and a fur stole...

Have a lovely, happy weekend...

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Baby love...

So, did I mention I am going to be an Auntie again? My lovely sister in law N is pregnant, due in a few months. As with many things in life it's been a long road to get here and now, well let's just say we are all as pleased as punch that it's time for a new addition to the family.

Her and I just spent the evening talking about babies and birth and the whole damn miracle. A trip down memory lane for me as I realise it was ten years ago that I did all of that business for the first time. TEN YEARS? My goodness. I am not sure how I feel about this! But as for N, I am nothing but excited for her to take this step into motherhood and I hope I can be there along the way to help her out, hold her hand, make it better when it's tough (as it will be tough at times) and just revel in the joys.

To me, there is something really special about being able to observe someone I love go through this process now, when I am so far 'out the other side'. The baby stage was hard for me, as I have blogged about before and I have to admit I kinda want to have a chance again to enjoy being with a baby. I really hope I get that opportunity without quite so much of the angst I had with my own. is it possible to be this beautiful?
...'yey' for mothers... the bump... love...
I have said before motherhood is a marathon not a sprint; the pregnancy/baby stage is just one section of an enormous complex route. But that stage is just so special, especially for the first time when everything is so fresh and new. I wish her all the luck in the world...

Love Auntie Lou xxx

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Hi, hello, it's me...

Hi, hello, it's me. Just wanted to say what a nice day it is today. Things I have learned as of today:

Doing all the laundry that one can possibly do in a day does make me feel better.
I have lots of very sweet and kind friends in blog land, amongst them here and here.
I have some pretty special friends in the real world too.
I will see 4 of my oldest friends this weekend, when I return to my University city for a much-needed reunion. Literally containing my excitement....
Hello to my newest followers (love that term!) Follow me...
I am meant to be working so I am going to go do that now...
Meanwhile here's Keira looking radiant as ever just to help us through our Tuesday...

Senin, 22 November 2010

Monday muse...

I wish I had looked like this on the school run this morning. But no, I was in running tights ready to get back into the running regime. When I don't run for a week it makes me if something is not right; which is strange given I spent 32 years of my life never having run. Lesson learned? It's never too late to take something up!

...fur mittens from Copenhagen Cycle Chic...

A strange but rather nice weekend. Strange due to thought-provoking activities, like going to the swankiest dinner party I have ever attended in one of the most beautiful houses I have ever been in. You know something is different on the glamour quotient when the staff greet you at the door and not the hosts; they were inside being elegant and wonderful. Had a rather special evening...needless to say.

...a glamourous view...

I have come to the conclusion that no one in my house is even remotely as tidy as me and this can cause friction at weekends. It also contributes to the requirement to spend most of Monday re-grouping my house. I have this to say: 'Meh'. As reported in the Sunday Times, this word (if you can call it that) covers almost all of life's observations; so 'Meh' to that.

I am developing a strong desire to go to Cape Cod. I think Cape Cod and me, we might work really well. We have started lusting over the incredible beach houses you can rent there. I have never been but get the distinct impression I would love it. I want to go to Marth'a Vineyard. Any thoughts?

...a place to sit...
The Christmas shopathon has started in earnest; me and my laptop have been in overload, click buy, click buy. My postman and I are going to be good friends by the time December 24th arrives...'tis the season....

Oh and a P.S. pop over and vote for Lou, Boos and Shoes here; it's in the top right corner of their page. I'm bashful, but it would be nice to get through the first round :-)

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Things of are we today?

Friday I'm in love....with the idea of a quiet weekend! There is something about this time of year, where it gets dark at 4.30pm that just makes me want to snuggle up and nest. Yet instead there are social engagements galore and just altogether too much to do.

I have had a pensive time lately wandering what's it all about? I have no answers yet. Quelles surprise. It's always the case that I want to press 'pause' and consider whether I am happy. That elusive kind of I content? Is everything OK? I suspect better to just not think too much about anything and enjoy the ride. I must try to learn to do that. Stop thinking; just be.

via Dust Jacket Attic

Ivory handles and lace...

I had a homemade package of prettiness delivered yesterday, from my friend Melissa...and it brought tears to my eyes it was just so, so lovely. 

Boo has a ballet exam coming up...the nerves...the tutus...the hair's 'Ballet Shoes' relived, which secretly I love. I am living vicariously through her.

I have posted a few paintings by this Danish artist, whose work is close to my heart. Makes me think of my Danish grandmother. 'Interior' by Vilhelm Hammershøi painted in 1901.

I think this the perfect mix of old and new...

Just love this bouquet with grey...

via Hey Gorgeous
Anna Friel in Vanity Fair...

via from me to you
via we are all in the gutter

I can't help feeling an absolute twinge of patriotism with this engagement announcement this week and by the way Kate - love the Issa dress! Perfect choice. This does, in some way,  make me feel happy and hopeful and pleased to be British.

Have a restful, chilled-out weekend...